Our beautiful baby boy ~Bailey~ was born sleeping on 24 March 2009
My lovely mum, Val, passed away on 9 April 2015 (my best friend)

Monday, August 16, 2010

When Kyle is Bailey!!!

Yesterday we took Kyle to church for the first time since his lip repair surgery.  Everyone who saw Kyle before the surgery, thought his lip is looking fantastic, which is to be expected because I think he is the most gorgeous baby around (and I thought this before the surgery anyway, once your baby is in your arms - nothing else is more beautiful). 

A friend came up to me and said "his name is Bailey, isn't it?".  My heart skipped a beat and it seemed an eternity before I could answer her.  I said "Bailey is the name of the son we lost, this is Kyle".  I wasn't prepared for anyone to call Kyle 'Bailey' and it was a huge shock.  She then remembered that Kyle's middle name is Bailey, and was able to cover up her embarassement with that. 

I read other blogs and read of mum's being able to talk openly about their lost babies, but I'm finding it harder as time goes by, and it hurts so much to now talk about Bailey.  I'm not trying to forget him (he is always in my thoughts every day), it's just too hard for me emotionally to explain to people about what happened to my middle son.  I wish things were easier.

Here are my gorgeous little firemen.


Lana said...

too cute! Kyles lip looks really good - i trust he is over his surgery? glad to see a post from you - i imagine you have your hands full with the little firemen? Matilda's birthday was hard and we kept to ourselves but we got through it together. The little boy in my belly is growning stronger and stronger every appointment we have now - which is every two weeks but i still find it hard to believe/understand that there is any other end to a pregnancy than the one we experienced with Matilda.. here's hoping the universe will prove otherwise..

Heather said...

They are truly adorable!