Our beautiful baby boy ~Bailey~ was born sleeping on 24 March 2009
My lovely mum, Val, passed away on 9 April 2015 (my best friend)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Easter Baby

Introducing our latest addition to our family "KYLE BAILEY".

Kyle was born on Saturday, 3 April at 3.40pm, weighing 3.26kgs and 47.5cms long.

As mentioned in earlier posts, Kyle was diagnosed with a unilateral cleft lip and palate.  I'm happy to report that yes, Kyle does have a cleft lip, but his palate is all intact without a cleft.

We are so happy with our new addition, and believe that Bailey has been watching out for and taking care of his little brother.  God has answered all our prayers for our little boy.

Kyle Bailey (our little miracle)