Our beautiful baby boy ~Bailey~ was born sleeping on 24 March 2009
My lovely mum, Val, passed away on 9 April 2015 (my best friend)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ultrasound on Baby's Cleft

Great news.  Baby is doing really well, and is growing at the rate he should. 

Our first diagonsis was that he had bilateral cleft lip and palate, but after this ultrasound it has now been diagnosed as an unilateral cleft lip and palate.  This is such good news as only one side of his lip and palate are affected by the cleft.  Even though he'll still need surgery, speech care (most likely to ensure he doesn't have a nasal sound) and orthodontics, I believe the one side only would be considered a milder form of a cleft.  Our baby didn't really co-operate with the ultrasound technician, but she definitely confirmed that he is in fact a boy.  Brodie is going to love having a little brother to play with his car collection with him (Brodie is so mad about cars that he now insists that he takes his cars into the bath with him).

I've been praying that our baby's cleft wouldn't be as severe as our first diagonsis.  I'm so relieved that my prayers and hopes provided a milder form of a cleft.  Thank you so much, God.

It was so great to hear good news (almost forgotten what it felt like to hear good news).


Malory said...

very happy for you.

Tina said...

Such great news!!! xx

Lana said...

Hi Fiona,
I read this news while i was at work and i was so happy to hear the good news! I cant comment on blogs from there for some reason so i had to rush hope to say YAY!
Im sure Brodie will love having baby around! And im sure Bailey will be watching over them too.