Our beautiful baby boy ~Bailey~ was born sleeping on 24 March 2009
My lovely mum, Val, passed away on 9 April 2015 (my best friend)

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I sometimes come in here, not knowing what to write, but thinking of Bailey and the fact that he should be here, and just wanting to express that in some way. Hoping and praying that he is having a fantastic time in Heaven - happy and healthy. I'm so looking forward to seeing him again one day. Will he be all grown up, when I see him?

Brodie isn't aware of his little brother, and everything that has happened. He's talking lots now and is following lots of instructions. He dropped his cereal this morning and then got some wet cloths out to clean it up, without any instruction, he just did it. He also wiped his feet before coming inside and tried to help bring in the shopping today. He's absolutely gorgeous.

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